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IEC 5b0543ec6061cb0434bc00b1 Products
  • 2020-09-11T02:39:49

PTO FRL LUBRICANT (OIL) is high quality super refined mineral base oil blended with special application additives. It makes superstrong film between metal layers to give optimum lubrication even at high speeds and temperatures. Detergents blended in it keep the metal free of unwanted deposits. Suitable for FRLs, Pneumatic tools, Pneumatic motors, Solenoid Valves, Rotary Actuators etc. Not suitable for high viscocity applications e.g. Gear Boxes, Splash Lubrication etc.

PTO FRL LUBRICANT (OIL) is high quality super refined mineral base oil blended with special application additives. It makes superstrong film between metal layers to give optimum lubrication even at high speeds and temperatures. Detergents blended in it keep the metal free of unwanted deposits. Suitable for FRLs, Pneumatic tools, Pneumatic motors, Solenoid Valves, Rotary Actuators etc. Not suitable for high viscocity applications e.g. Gear Boxes, Splash Lubrication etc.

  • 2020-09-11T02:39:49

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