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IEC 5b0543ec6061cb0434bc00b1 Products
  • 2020-11-05T00:55:35

Moisture in compressed air damages valuable pneumatics and as a result down time increases. Leakage of compressed air is a side effect. While a user pays lots of attention to select Air Compressor, size and type of dryer is ignored. ELGI Airmate Refrigerant type External compressed air dryer are the best choice for Industry. These dryers are selected by ELGI team considering-  •  Ambient temperature  • Inlet Temperature  •  Dew Point required by application etc. These dryers are rugged to use and still easily serviceable. Gases used in these dryers are environment friendly.

Moisture in compressed air damages valuable pneumatics and as a result down time increases. Leakage of compressed air is a side effect. While a user pays lots of attention to select Air Compressor, size and type of dryer is ignored. ELGI Airmate Refrigerant type External compressed air dryer are the best choice for Industry. These dryers are selected by ELGI team considering-  •  Ambient temperature  • Inlet Temperature  •  Dew Point required by application etc. These dryers are rugged to use and still easily serviceable. Gases used in these dryers are environment friendly.

  • 2020-11-05T00:55:35

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